A perfect event from the beginning to the end..... You tie the knot, we tie the loose ends..... You just say the "Aku terima nikahnya" or "I do", and we'll do the rest for you.....

Tuesday, June 2

29 & 30 May

Nadia ni i kenal masa expo kat Alam Sentral bulan Februari ari tu. Macam2 kejadian pahit yg nadia dah hadapi sepanjang nak menjadi raja sehari ni, sampai laa jumpe Syikin. Kesian kalau dengar kisah nadia ni tp nak wat cam ner, akak harap nadia tabah n maafkan pihak2 yg tak bertanggungjawab tu. Kalau nak cite kat sini mcm hikayat 1001 mlm tak abis....hehehee

nadia amik pakej mekap, pelamin, bunga telur, bunga merenjis, hantaran and hiasan bilik tidur.

bunga merenjis lily (14 pcs) and bunga telur daisy (80 pcs) dari dip.. bila dah siap i'm so happy coz nenek and especially mak pengantin suka sangat....mak pengantin request nak tambah bunga merenjis tp short notice sangat so tak dapat nak buatkan....sorry untie...

pelamin ni joint venture dengan jue fron eden d rias....and decoration by me....:)

Bertandang (Kuala Pilah)

konsep hari ni.....rossa....(requested by nadia) katanyaa....hehehehhee without veil and just kerawang, it suits with her outfit and appearance....Sometimes less is more....

Selamat Pengantin Baru to

Nadia & Deen